Saturday, January 25, 2025

2024 TCDb trade roundup part 2: the pretty goods

Following up on my last post, here are the rest of my 2024 TCDb trades that I hadn't covered yet.

By my count this recap includes a total of 34 trades and 1 PIF from 33 different members. Going by my transaction history, the last one you'll see alphabetically here from zmaciag was the first to be marked complete, while the most recent one (yobshabob) actually arrived in my mailbox last week after a huge USPS delay (we agreed to the trade late in December).

These all went well as usual. I was very grateful to receive a PIF from generous member mzentko, plus I got to meet fellow UM Football fan MichiganFan9 (imagine that!) in person to swap cards at a location convenient to both of us.

Since there's a ton of images chock full of some of my favorite Tigers, Wolverines, and other PCs, I'll let the images do the talking this time. Enjoy!











mzentko (PIF):

philliesphan (1 of 2):

philliesphan (2 of 2):




RyanFrueh (1 of 2):

RyanFrueh (2 of 2):

With these covered I may move on to the remaining 2024 card shows I have yet to recap. I'll be back soon!


  1. Yikes you've been busy. I love going out to the mail and finding PWEs, I can't imagine getting all these in!

    1. And I know they didn't come all at once, but still...

    2. Give yourself more credit, Tom--my stats include 41 trades (again, not including the occasional PIF) and it looks like you did 217!! I think you did more in one year than I've done since 2019, wow! Anyway, I'm the same and love when I have a new envelope or two coming in each day sometimes.

  2. Wowza. That's a lot of trades. Lots to comment on... but so little time. I'll focus on two Gwynns that caught my eye:

    #1: That Padres Franchise Feats card totally stumped me. It mentioned that Gwynn won 8 of the 9 NL batting titles won by a Padres player. I racked my brain, but had to look up the other guy. Totally forgot that Sheffield won it while with the Padres in 1992.

    #2: Love that 7-11 Slurpee Disc. Wish we saw them pop up in blog posts more often.

    1. It looks like a lot at once but over the course of a year it's more like a few per month! I would have totally forgotten Sheffield's batting title too. And I love adding those Slurpee Discs! I still have some on my wantlists, especially for Tigers players I collect, but there's a few other stars as well.
