Saturday, December 17, 2022

Announcing Christmas Cards 2022!

I promise I'll work on getting caught up covering everything that still needs a post, but recent positive developments have made this announcement higher priority, namely that my COMC order arrived several days before it was even originally due to ship! So, with a better idea of where things stand, I can happily formally announce
Christmas Cards: 2022 Edition
As I previously teased, I went back to the old COMC well to find some fun stuff to send some of you, generally tailored to your collections and wantlists. Not quite everyone who's getting a Christmas cards package from me is getting something from COMC, but most are.
Other sources of items in these packages include:
  • Recent shows
  • TCDB trades
  • eBay
  • Sportlots
The COMC delivery leaves me short items in-hand from eBay for a couple folks, and Sportlots for a few more (waiting on packages to hit my box before shipping). The people getting cards from Sportlots will almost certainly have to wait until after Christmas for me to mail their envelopes because I don't even know when I'll have everything.

That said, a majority of you who have Christmas cards coming from me can expect them to start moving through the USPS this week, very possibly in time to see them before the big holiday.

Over the years I've learned that I really enjoy giving and this is one of my favorite traditions that I've been able to observe for most of the 12-ish years I've been blogging here, so I'm possibly as excited about getting these cards (and more!) under your trees as you are to tearing them open!

As for whether or not you're one of the lucky recipients, well, in addition to three of my TCDB buddies, I'm currently looking at gifting stuff to about 15 current and former bloggers and Twitter friends.

I'm going to keep this post short so I can start gathering, packaging, and labelling stuff so I can get a bunch out on Monday. In the meantime, please enjoy this flat-out awesome duet of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" featuring UM's own Darren Criss (in a sweet Michigan holiday sweater) and the extremely talented Lizzy McAlpine:
Merry Christmas, friends!


  1. That's an awesome gesture. Merry Christmas!

    1. I'm glad you think so since you'll be getting one of those envelopes. Merry Christmas!

  2. I always think about trying to do something for people around Christmas, but usually fall short. Nice of you to be better than me!

    1. To be honest I wasn't even sure I'd be able to do it this year until going back to buying on COMC went fine. Sportlots is holding me up a bit now but that's not the end of the world. Anyway, it doesn't have to be a yearly thing, but I have lots of fun with it and others seem to enjoy it, so I do it when I can!

  3. Your care packages are always worth the wait! I've enjoyed shopping for bloggers/collector friends and I'm always more impatient when waiting for shipments that include gifts for others than if the cards were all for my own PC.

    p.s. I had the video playing as I typed this. Just wanted you to know since most people dont bother to watch the videos in blog posts. Very nice duet indeed.

    1. Thanks, Christ! Yep, I'm the same way. You might not have to wait too much longer for an envelope from me, though.... And I'm glad you liked the video! I'll admit I don't always watch them either (and almost never say if I did either way) so that's great of you to say.

  4. If only blogger had GIFs or memes, i have a few to show my excitement

    1. True. For now I'd say you'd be fine with "!!!!!"

  5. Giving something during the holiday season is obviously really cool and generous... but the fact that you took the time to look at people's wantlists and personalized these gifts for people is extra special and thoughtful. Happy holidays Dennis.

    1. Thanks, Fuji! Not everyone has a wantlist available, which is totally fine, but when your good buddy in San Jose is looking for particular cards you don't want to mention until they receive them, it's a blast to add them to your cart! I won't give any more hints than this, but you and Chris above got similar COMC items from me this year.

  6. I thought I was gonna do something similar this year, unfortunately I didn't think of it again until after December got here, and by then it was much too late. Thanks to your emails though (and this post), I'm writing down now, so I can hopefully start picking things up in a more timely manner next year.

    1. Like I said to DK above, it was a bit iffy for me this year but it worked out. Then again I was fortunate enough to have piled up a few things for a number of people at the past few shows to the point that if I found something on COMC/eBay/Sportlots, that was just icing on the cake. I told you in email that unfortunately you'll be waiting due to Sportlots' slowness/business right now, but you'll be getting something from me for the holiday too!
