Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019!

No real post today over here, but I didn't want the day to pass without wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy new year!  I had a fantastic day with family and friends and got some awesome gifts, and more importantly I had a blast giving some to others.

Speaking of Christmas gifts, I currently have cards from three awesome folks to show off soonish, and possibly more on the way, not to mention my COMC loot, which will probably wait until January.

I hope some of you got card-related presents and that the holiday season has treated everyone well.  Back with actual posts soon!


  1. Merry Christmas, Dennis! I hope you had a wonderful day today :)

  2. No real card gifts for me but Merry Christmas!

    1. Me neither, but that's ok since I'm happy to buy them myself because I know what I like. Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. I hope you and your family had an enjoyable Christmas! I actually didn't get any cards this year (for possibly the first time ever) but I got enough cash to buy some nice singles. Ho ho ho :)

    1. Thanks, Chris--it was great and I hope yours was too! Buying singles is the best way to go and you're obviously spending that money wisely.

  4. Never knew who Allison Brie was until I started watching Community. Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas!
