Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Anybody have a lot of 2009 Topps baseball?

Like a LOT lot?  After having finally compiled my wantlist (which I procrastinated in doing out of sheer fear), I found I need roughly 1/3 of the 660 card set:

2 4 6 15 17 18 20 23 25 30 32 34 39 43 46 47 57 61 63 66 67 69 71 74 78 81 83 86 87 89 93 94 96 98 101 103 105 109 111 113 116 120 123 129 138 149 152 154 161 162 164 166 169 171 172 177 179 181 184 188 196 199 209 214 219 220 223 226 228 232 235 239 244 246 258 261 264 266 271 273 275 276 277 285 286 287 290 291 293 297 299 300 303 307 309 310 317 321 322 325 331 333 334 341 343 347 358 362 366 368 371 373 375 376 377 380 384 387 388 390 391 392 394 395 396 399 400 402 403 404 405 406 408 411 418 421 425 426 429 435 440 448 451 452 455 459 462 465 468 473 475 476 477 482 486 488 492 494 496 497 498 499 501 503 505 516 519 522 523 526 530 531 533 536 539 540 544 545 548 550 553 559 564 566 568 574 575 580 582 584 585 586 587 593 594 597 600 601 606 607 615 622 623 624 626 627 633 635 637 638 639 649 650 651 653 656 658

If any of you has a decent number of these, please hit me up and I'll make sure to trade lots of your favorite stuff to you.


  1. I can help you out. I'll get back to you later on which ones I have specifically. I would be more than happy to get rid of anything you need.

    1. Thanks! The good news is I have a TON of Cardinals I can send your way in any trade we complete, so the more you have the better for sure.

    2. Sounds good. Do you have any use for Tigers that aren't specifically mentioned on your player wantlists? And do you have any interest in anything I have up for grabs here:


    3. I'd be happy to get any Tigers (or anything else from my lists at the top of my blog) that you feel like sending. I have something like 400-500 Cardinals to send your way. I'm definitely more interested in the 2009 Topps, though! Sorry, didn't see anything I liked in your rummage sale.

  2. Cool, just wanted to make sure you get something in addition to the 2009 stuff. I should be ready to send by Friday in my estimation.

  3. Let me know after everything is up to date by friday. I had bought quite a few boxes of 2009 baseball and you can have them for FREE as I don't need them!

    1. Sounds great, thanks. Right now madding has everything except
      2 4 15 18 20 23 25 30 32 43 47 57 61 69 74 78 83 87 89 94 96 101 105 138 161 164 169 171 172 177 181 184 188 196 209 214 219 220 223 228 232 235 239 258 266 271 273 276 277 285 287 290 297 299 300 303 307 309 317 321 325 331 333 334 341 343 362 368 373 375 376 377 380 384 388 394 395 400 402 405 406 411 418 421 426 435 459 465 468 476 482 488 492 497 503 519 523 530 531 536 539 540 544 545 548 553 575 580 582 584 587 594 597 600 601 606 607 622 623 624 626 627 633 639 651 658

      He might dig out a few Cardinals, but for now that'll be the list. Please do let me know what I can send in return if you find anything, though!

  4. Cool beans then! I will hit the list up above this weekend!

    1. Here's an updated list thanks to madding. This is what I still need:

      2 4 15 18 20 23 25 32 43 47 57 61 69 74 78 83 87 89 94 96 101 105 138 161 164 169 171 177 181 184 188 209 214 219 220 223 228 232 235 239 258 271 273 276 277 285 287 290 297 299 300 303 307 309 317 321 325 331 333 334 341 343 362 368 373 375 376 377 380 384 388 394 395 400 402 405 406 411 418 421 426 435 459 468 476 482 488 492 497 503 519 523 530 531 536 539 540 544 545 548 553 575 580 582 584 587 594 597 600 601 606 607 622 623 624 626 627 633 639 651 658


  5. I have the following cards for you. Email me your address to hertzog27@msn.com

    333 334 314 343 368 373 375 376 380 384 388 394 395 400 402 405 406 411 421 426 435 459 468 476 482 488 497 503 519 523 530 531 536 539 540 545 548 553 575 584 587 597 597 600 601 606 607 622 623 624 626 633 639 651 658
